Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lecture 2 - The History of Computers and the Internet

Charles Babbages, Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace, Alax Turing gave birth to the computer, having - all having contributed to the creation of it. Although computers were only first commercially produced many many years after that by IBM in the 1950s. Of course, these computers are nothing like we have and see now... they were large, expensive machines for military, government, and corporate work. In 1965, Gordom Moore wrote Moore's law: the capacity of microchip's doubles every two years.

Xerox Parc - developed concepts of the mouse, graphical user interface and pull-down menus. And so in 1975 the first PC (personal computer) was released. Though it was dull and Altair didn't have a way of communication with the computers. So Bill Gates dropped out of uni and wrote a language called BASIC for the Altair - for simple uses. He started his own program in his garage, which we all know is "Microsoft".

APPLE: Steve Jobs and Steve Woznak started their own company "Apple". They first started with selling fifty primitive machines with single circuit boards and no cases and no keyboards. Shortly after that, Apple II was launched at the West Coast Computer Fair in 1978. Next two years, Apple grew like no one had expected. Apple well known for their great designs and are very user friendly. They always seem to out-do themselves with better technology and fixing all of the bugs and annoying things that we don't like. This is one of the reasons why I prefer Apple over others... because they actually listen to their consumers.

IBM and Microsoft - I won't go into detail as I didn't really pay much attention in the lecture. OUt of this section I thought what was most interesting was how Steve Jobs quit Apple, but came back with iMac... which we all know is very popular

Operating systems - GNU/Linux (a free operating system), Windows, MacOS and Unix.

Internet, World wide web and Cyberspace came shortly after all of these.

Early internet apps. :

Electronic Email (Email) - I don't know about you but I've had my email since I was 8... yes the exact same one, and I don't know what I'd do without it... it makes communicating to a vast number of people a lot easier!

File Transfer Protocol (FTC) - downloading and uploading files from another computer to your own. Verrrryyy convenient!

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - being able to chat in real time... with chatrooms etc. Remember "mirC" holy crap. that was the shiiiiz back in the day. It was popular than MSN, yahoo or AIM.

MUDs, MOOs, MUSHes - just to name them.

Recent internet apps. :
Instant Messaging (IM)
Peer-to-Peer (p2p) file sharing
Portable Audio (MP3s, AAC, FLAC etc etc) and podcasting
VoIP and Voice chat (skype)

That concludes lecture 2. yyaaaaayyy!

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