Thursday, August 27, 2009

Personal Experience with NCT

Communication technology has been apart of mine and my friends and my family's lives since I can really remember - clearly I don't remember all that much beforehand. Growing up as technology advancing was and always is very exciting. We are always inclined to say "I WANT THAT" cause it's new and exciting... I know I do it a lot! These devices seem to be getting smaller but faster and more efficient. It's convenient having them, however I think we have become too reliant on these machines.

My first email account was made when I was 7 years old, although I tell people it was made when I was 8. cause I did have another before my current one. So I really don't remember NOT having the internet, for the time it counted. And my first mobile was given to me by my friend when I was in year 8. Of course my parents wouldn't allow it, but I had it anyway. I don't think I could survive without it for very long. I've left my mobile at home many times and I always feel so lost without it.

Now we use a lot of social networking services... most popular out of them with my friends and family is facebook... we don't really bother with anything else... but I did when they first came out... I had friendster, Hi5, Tickle, Bebo, Zepeo (I think that's the name) and myspace. though I don't use any of those now. Facebook I find is the best... it really keeps everyone connected and it's addictive. haha. Though I don't like the idea of "Facestalking".

To sum everything up: having these NCT is convenient. they make communicating to people much easier - although now that society has become so reliant on it, I wonder what would happen if it were all taken away one day....... wow. chaos.

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